MOCA will be closed on Sunday February 16 due to severe weather.



Artists on Artists: Sophia Oppel on Age of You

Friday, November 15, 2019
 | 6:00 pm
 – 7:00 pm 
 | Free

Sophia Oppel is an artist and researcher whose work addresses the insidious positions of embedded power in networked infrastructures. Oppel will lead a tour and discussion of Age of You that focuses primarily on the theme of “Post-Work,” drawing connections to her own research on immaterial labour and outsourced or automated work.

Sophia Oppel received her BFA from OCAD University and is currently a co-director of Bunker 2 Contemporary Art Container, a curatorial project assistant at Gallery 44, and a Masters of Visual Studies candidate at the University of Toronto. Oppel has exhibited locally and internationally, including shows at InterAccess, Queen Specific, Gallery TPW, Forest City Gallery and Xpace Cultural Center.

MOCA’s Artists on Artists series is a programme where local artists are invited to discuss MOCA’s current exhibitions, or a single artwork, in any format or direction of their choosing.

Image: Sophia Oppel (in collaboration with Blair Swann), how does a .jpg feel against your skin? Detail, Heat-bent acrylic, gel wax, gel medium transfers, 2018.