MOCA will be closed on Sunday February 16 due to severe weather.

Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum’s Dynasty incorporates MOCA’s architecture and draws inspiration from the themes and structures explored in her earlier work, Diorama (2018). In Diorama, two screens, depicting a mythological landscape, became a backdrop on which to project new fantasies and fictions. Dynasty uses these same screens alongside a composition of thirteen separate panels. Together, the composition alludes to mythology, geology, storytelling, and theories on the nature of the universe.

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Dynasty, 2021 (detail)

Pencil, acrylic and oil on wood, linen and canvas.

Courtesy Goodman Gallery Johannesburg, Cape Town and London.
Dynasty, 2021

Pencil, acrylic and oil on wood, linen and canvas.
Courtesy of Goodman Gallery Johannesburg, Cape Town and London.
Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid (Installation view MOCA Toronto).
Dynasty, 2021

Pencil, acrylic and oil on wood, linen and canvas.
Courtesy of Goodman Gallery Johannesburg, Cape Town and London.
Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid (Installation view MOCA Toronto).