Fall 2024 Exhibitions Extended—Visit Now!

Cecilia Vicuña


February 1, 2022
–February 28, 2022
A still from Cecilia Vicuña "Paracas" (1983)

Cecilia Vicuña, Paracas, 1983. 18′31″. 16mm film transferred to video, sound. Courtesy of the artist and Electronic Arts Intermix.

Conceived as a visual and sound poem in seven scenes, this animation of a two-thousand-year-old textile in the collection of the Brooklyn Museum invites entrance into a different visual and sonic space: the universe of the pre-Columbian weavers who created the portrait of a ritual procession using a unique three-dimensional looping technique developed in the Paracas/Nazca region. Cecilia Vicuña interprets the textile as a celebration of the harvest and the Thread of Life on the desert coast of Peru.

Cecilia Vicuña is a poet, performer and sound and visual artist, whose work emerges from a strong desire to preserve and pay tribute to the Indigenous history and culture of Chile.

Past Shift Key Programmes

A Still from Cauleen Smith "Pilgrim" (2017)
Cauleen Smith
Mona Hatoum
Aura Satz
Preemptive Listening (Part 1: The Fork in the Road)
Allora & Calzadilla
Returning a Sound