MOCA will be closed on Sunday February 16 due to severe weather.



Opening Weekend Family Activities

Saturday, September 17, 2022
 – Sunday, September 18, 2022
 | 12:00 pm
 – 4:00 pm 
 | Free

On both Saturday, September 17 and Sunday, September 18 explore the museum with attentive eyes through the help of MOCA’s most recent I-Spy activity sheet, which will be available at our Welcome Desk for visitors.

MOCA also invites you to find your own gems, anomalies and hidden points of interest and to tag MOCA on social media with #ispyMOCA and #MOCAToronto. Add to our crowdsourced image database that introduces a new perspective on the Museum — and the subject of your photos might even make it onto the next I-Spy activity guide! For more information speak to the visitor experience staff on the ground floor.

On Sunday, September 18 join MOCA Toronto for a hands-on and family friendly art activity. Drawing from the current exhibition, where Thomas Demand’s extensive practice of recreating spaces through paper models is shared, participants are invited to create their own model of home from memory. Participants will be guided in a variety of basic model making skills using cardboard material as the base for construction. Additional drawing and building materials will be provided for participants to stylise and personalise their own construction of how home appears to them. This drop-in workshop is geared towards all ages and skill levels

Mark Dion, The Life of a Dead Tree, 2019. Installation view. Sterling Weekend, May 26, 2019. Photo: Gabriel Li.

Venue Information

MOCA Toronto

158 Sterling Rd
Toronto, ON  M6R 2B7