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Digital Justice Lab Workshop: Mapping Data Bodies

Thursday, December 5, 2019
 | 6:00 pm
 – 8:00 pm 
 | Free

From the apps we use on our devices to the surveillance systems on city streets, we live in a datafied world, in which information about us is being collected on a daily basis. In this workshop, we will navigate the impact of datafication to form a better understanding of our “data bodies” and how they are used, stored and shared by governments and corporations.

The Digital Justice Lab’s (DJL) mission is to focus on building a more just and equitable digital future. Working alongside technologists, community activists and policymakers, DJL helps shape a better public understanding of technology and its impact on communities across the country. Through capacity building, public engagement and continuous collaboration, DJL supports diverse communities in making informed decisions around digital issues. Digital Justice Lab is a project of Tides Canada, a registered Canadian charity dedicated to providing uncommon solutions for the common good.

This workshop is part of a series of workshops presented in partnership with Digital Justice Lab for Age of You.